As part of World Environment Day, AV Cheruthuruthy conducted various activities. Ananya of Class IX delivered a speech on the importance of the day in the assembly. Students of classes VIII and IX planted various tree saplings, especially ‘Ramacham’, which is a plant well known for its strong deep roots. These roots are so strong that they get fixed in the soil and cannot be easily uprooted. This prevents soil erosion to a great extent.

Students of Std. VI actively participated in making paper bags to create awareness about reducing the use of plastics. Students of classes III and IV prepared posters related to the day. We also handed over used plastic pens that were collected in a ‘pen box’ from each class, to the Harithakarma Sena, Cheruthuruthy.

Our chief guest for the day was Sri Vinod P, who is the Deputy Range Forest Officer, Vazhani Forest Station. He delivered a very informative speech on nature conservation. He also inspired the students, providing plenty of ways to preserve nature’s beauty. He appreciated the students for the act of disposing used plastic pens in the pen box. Following this, he distributed saplings to our students. Rijul of Class IX presented a nature poem related to the day.